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Lutheran Campus Ministry at KSU Manhattan
Coninuing Prayers
   Discussion: Coninuing Prayers
Phil (anon) · 13 years, 3 months ago

Please Pray GOD controls every part of the physical,mental and spiritual part of my life with the best results.Pray GOD controls even the minor things in my life with the best results.Pray GOD controls and manipulates every second in my life with the best results.Pray GOD gives me unlimited extra time in my life to do HIS will.Pray GOD gives me confidence that HEs in control of every part of my life.Pray GOD blesses me financially every day for the rest of my life starting today.I have not been able to by Christmas or Birthday presents since 1998.I receive Presents but don't have anything to give.I also need money to pay bills everytime they come up and i also want to help people.
.Pray GOD guides and gives me all Wisdom and Knowledge.Pray my soulmate has already been prepared for me and I have already been prepared for my soulmate.Pray GOD unites me and my soulmate together real soon.Never been on a date or ever had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for this for at least 18 years... Please Pray GOD Blesses me so i can Bless others in every way every day of my life.Pray I can help people who are targeted by every kind of evil 100% of the time.Pray GOD Blesses me to be able to expose evil 100% of the time and evil will not be able to hide once exposed.Pray a hedge of protection around mind body and soul. Pray GOD overflows me with HIS Power,HOLY SPIRIT and Presence in my life. Pray the HOLY SPIRIT is so strong in my life that satan and his servents will flee with terror because GODS presence is so strong in my life. Pray my body would be a strong vessel for the HOLY SPIRIT. Pray GOD causes satan and those used by satan great
confusion when they come against me with their evil plans and Pray GOD sends His angels to to fight along side me when is happens.Pray GOD cuffs me in His Hand when evil comes against me.Pray GOD has unlimited Mercy on me.Pray GOD raises me lightyears above satan and those used by satan to glorify GOD.Pray GOD watches over me at all times.Pray GOD guides me in all wisdom and knowledge.Pray GOD takes away my fears and increases my faith.Pray GOD heals my body completely.Pray all the people that have seen my Prayer Requests in past years will be reminded to Pray for my Prayer Requests again.Pray all the people who saw my Prayer Requests in the past years will have it put it in their hearts and minds to Pray for my past Prayer Requests again...In JESUS Name Amen...Thanks for your Prayers...

EleanorPt (anon) Back · 10 years, 1 month ago
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Kevin Clark · 13 years, 3 months ago
I've been reading your prayer requests and praying for you, but I wonder if I have met you, and if you have a connection to Lutheran Campus Ministry at Kansas State University. Can you tell me more about your connections to our ministry and why you have chosen to ask us to pray for you? In Christ, Pastor Kevin Clark
Arthurka (anon) Back · 10 years, 10 months ago
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